
Extensive collection of photographs showing the history of Kiveton Park & Wales. This large section contains photos that have been generously donated to the History Society for inclusion on this website. They have be separated into the Photo Archive, People's Museum and Digital Archive.

Audio Clips

Oral Histories were an important part of the 2007 History Project. During this time, many people from Kiveton & Wales were interviewed about their life and experience of the area. This section also contains some of the other audio clips collected during the project.


See the sights of Kiveton Park & Wales in our video archive! The 2007 History Project uncovered some fascinating videos produced in the large part by local residents. Topics include the history of the area, mining, History Society events and the Kiveton pit clock.

To Listen to Oral History audio clips you need to download and install the Adode Flash Player using the link below.
Download the Adobe Flash Player.

Len Gibson has been a keen documentary maker for many years. Over the course of the last year, he has kept a detailed and much appreciated record of our project.

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